Gordon, Benjamin D., The Misunderstood Redemption Fee in the Holiness Legislation on Dedications: ZAW 126, 2014, 180–192.
Show MoreAdapted from published abstract: The Holiness legislation on “dedications” (Leviticus 27) stipulates that owners wishing to redeem dedicated property must pay a 20% redemption fee on top of the item’s valuation. This fee has been understood either as a penalty imposed on the owners for reneging on the dedication or a surtax levied to take advantage of the owners’ special attachment to their property. G. argues, however, that the fee is related to the use of the holy shekel in these transactions. Archaeological remains, including Judean limestone weights, demonstrate that the common shekel on the eve of the Babylonian exile comprised 24 gerāh. The holy shekel, on the other hand, contained only 20 gerāh (Lev 27:25; Ezek 45:12), a 20% lower value. The redemption fee can thus be understood as bringing a fixed valuation into line with the actual market value of the dedication. It was thus not meant to punish or take advantage of individuals redeeming dedicated property.
Hattingh, A. J. K.; Meyer, Esias E., “Devoted to Destruction”. A Case of Human Sacrifice in Leviticus 27?, in: Journal for Semitics 25, 2016, 630–657.
Show MoreAbstract from OTA: This article reflects on Lev 27:28-29 and its possible relationship to the practice of human sacrifice in ancient Israel. It provides an overview of the current state of the discussion about human and child sacrifices, before focusing on Leviticus 27 for itself. H. and M. argue that while the chapter is a later addition, it does constitute a suitable conclusion to the Book of Leviticus. After their consideration of the chapter as a whole, the authors direct their attention to vv. 28-29 in particular. They conclude that these verses are very vague about what is taking place and that this vagueness was likely deliberate on the part of the one(s) who formulated them.
Hattingh, Arend, An Instance of Utilising Numismatology in Dating Biblical Texts: Leviticus 27:25 as a Test Case, in: Journal of Semitics 32, 2023, online.
Show MorePublished abstract: The date of the Pentateuch and its constituent parts is an ongoing debate in Old Testament studies. This article offers another way of dating a text. In Leviticus 27, which is widely regarded as an addendum to Leviticus, there is a reference to a specific currency. The study of coins, numismatology, is an expanding field, especially over the last 40 years. This article utilises numismatology to date Lev 27. The article touches on the debate of the mint in Jerusalem and the impact of the successful rebellion of Egypt on the Persian Empire. The coins found to date in Persian Yehud are discussed to identify the currency mentioned in the text of Lev 27. The article concludes that the date of Leviticus ascertained using redaction criticism is similar to the date determined for Lev 27 using numismatics.
Hofreiter, Christian, Making Sense of Old Testament Genocide. Christian Interpretations of Herem Passages, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Taggar-Cohen, Ada, Between Herem, Ownership, and Ritual. Biblical and Hittite Perspectives, in: Gane, Roy E.; Taggar-Cohen, Ada (ed.), Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature. The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond (Resources for Biblical Study 82), Atlanta 2015, 419–434.
Younger, K. Lawson, Some Recent Discussion on the Ḥērem, in: Burns, Duncan; Rogerson, John W. (ed.), Far From Minimal. Celebrating the Work and Influence of Philip R. Davies (T & T Clark Library of Biblical Studies 484), London 2012, 505–522.
Show MoreEin Literaturbericht über neuere Vorschläge zur Deutung des Wortes ḥēræm ohne eigene Stellungnahme.